Gimp Photoshop can provide helpful information and address common queries. Here are some points you can include:

How many images Gimp Photoshop can process in a day?
Gimp Photoshop can process 5000 to 7000 images daily basis. The number of processing images depends on image complexity. Due to complexity, the number can increase or decrease.
How many images Gimp Photoshop offers as a free test?
Gimp Photoshop offers 1 to 10 images as free tests depending on image complexity. For example, Gimp Photoshop provides 1 or 2 free tests for retouching services.
What file types does Gimp Photoshop accept?
Gimp Photoshop accepts many other file formats, including but not limited to PDF, SVG, RAW (various camera formats), EPS, and more. The availability of specific file formats may vary depending on customers’ want.
Gimp Photoshop supports a wide range of file formats. Here are some of the commonly used file types that Gimp Photoshop can accept:
1. JPEG/JPG: The standard format for compressed images, commonly used for photographs.
2. PNG: A lossless image format that supports transparency and is often used for web graphics and digital images with transparent backgrounds.
3. GIF: A format that supports animation and limited transparency, commonly used for small animations and graphics on the web.
4. TIFF: A flexible format is commonly used for high-quality images and printing.
5. BMP: A basic bitmap format often used for Windows system graphics.
6. PSD: The native file format of Adobe Photoshop, which allows GIMP to open and edit Photoshop files, preserving layers and other Photoshop-specific features.
7. XCF: Gimp Photoshop supports layers, channels, paths, and other advanced features.
What is the standard turnaround time?
Forty-eight hours is the standard turnaround time in Gimp Photoshop. In case of urgency, we always give priority to customers’ desired turnaround time.
How much discount do you give for a bulk order?
Gimp Photoshop offers discount prices for bulk orders. We consider a bulk order when the number of images is above 1000. The discount depends on the service. Discounts prices for all the services are different.
What is the method of payment?
Gimp Photoshop, common payment methods include credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, American Express), PayPal, and direct bank transfers. Additionally, depending on your region, Adobe may accept alternative payment methods specific to certain countries.
What is your payment cycle?
Gimp Photoshop sends invoices monthly basis for the existing clients. But there is a condition for new clients. For new clients, they have to pay after completing the 1st order. After that, they get the opportunity of a monthly basis invoicing/payment system.
How do I upload or download images to Gimp Photoshop?
Gimp Photoshop uses the premium version of WeTransfer, Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive, and FTP, and it has an app for file uploading and downloading. Any client can use these file transfer facilities without any cost.
How long Gimp Photoshop preserves edited files?
Gimp Photoshop Preserves the edited files 45 days after completing the orders. In special cases, we preserve edited files for up to 6 months.